Bear-ometer of positivity
Bear-Ometer of Positivity 2017, was an artwork for CoLabs, an arts meet science event for Bungarribee Parklands. The sculpture is a 4 metre inflatable rainbow bear that interacts with twitter. When the twitter handle @bearofhappiness or custom hashtag #colabssydney receives a positive tweet, the associated account (https://twitter.com/bearofhappiness) will retweet and send a signal to the fans to inflate the bear. The bear therefore serves as a visual indicator of positive social media activity and collates all the positive messages onto its wall. This project was awarded the Department of Industry Award from the NSW government.
Project Team_
Concept & Design | Edison Chen
Construction | Pink Cactus
Software | Nathan Adler
Electrical | Yunzhen Zhang
Tablet App | James Gronowski
3D Modelling | Andrew Noel
Industrial Design | Ray Zeng